Create UE4 project and packaged to HTML5
Create your UE4 project Compress settings for HTML5 -------------------------------------------------- Project Settings -> Platforms - HTML5 -> tick 'Packaging.Compress files during shipping packaging' Project Settings -> Project - Packaging -> tick 'Packaging.Create compressed cooked packages' add your maps to 'Packaging.List of maps to include in a packaged build' // 000webhost limit a file size to 128 MB max -------------------------------------------------- Upload files to '000webhost' -------------------------------------------------- 000webhost follow packaged folder HTML/Readme.txt upload required files In this case : index.html (rename) SideScroller.datagz UE4Game-HTML5-Shipping.js.symbolsgz UE4Game-HTML5-Shipping.jsgz UE4Game-HTML5-Shipping.wasmgz Utility.jsgz // UE4.21 update add upload files : .htaccess <project>.UE4.jsgz --------...