UE4 Installer (Advance Installer)
The following three solutions are currently known:
- Visual Studio Installer Projects (Setup Project) // Not easy to set up for UE4
- Advanced Installer // Business software recommended
- Wix // Free software recommended
Advance Installer general set up
- License - Freeware
- Product Details . Name
- Product Details . Version
- Product Details . Publisher
- Product Details . Control Panel icon
- Files and Folders . Application Folder
- Files and Folders . StartMenu . Programs
- Files and Folders . Desktop
- Builds . Package Type (Single MSI)
- Builds . Output
- Dialog . LicenseAgreementDlg (optional)
- License - Professional (additional)
- Builds . Package Type (EXE setup with resources)
- Builds . EXE icon
- Builds . Archive . CAB (Multiple volumes)
- Themes . Classic . classic
- Dialogs . ExitDialog . Launch Application
// .cab cannot exceed 2GB
// .exe cannot exceed 4GB
// .ico 256x256 pixels
// dialog 500x316 pixels
// banner 500 x59 pixels
User Interface.Themes.Customizable Images don't work
You can replace the picture at C:\Program Files (x86)\Caphyon\Advanced Installer\themes\classic\resources\variations\classic "banner.jpg" and "dialog.jpg"
Other resources:
UE4 Settings:
- Project.Packaging (Reducing Packaged Game Size)
- Project.Crypto (Packaging Projects)
- Project.Description
- Platforms.Windows (set Game Icon)
Clean UE4 (after packaging, the following files can be deleted)
- Engine/Saved (Development only)
- FileOpenOrder
- [ProjectName]/Config
- [ProjectName]/Saved (Development only)
- Manifest_NonUFSFiles_Win64.txt