
目前顯示的是 6月, 2017的文章


重點節錄: 步驟一 建立捷徑 (右鍵->新增->捷徑) 步驟二 輸入包含命令的位置 範例: runas /profile /savecred /user:Admin "%windir%\system32\dfrgui.exe" 備註: runas使用方法查詢 : runas /? /profile : 載入使用者的設定檔 /savecred : 使用之前由使用者儲存的認證 (僅首次需要輸入密碼) /user:UserName 原文參考: https://chenweichi.blogspot.tw/2012/02/windows-7.html


keyword : all removable storage classes deny all access

[UE4] VRWorks UE4.15 Research

Step 1. Download resources. (special edition unreal engine source code) Download Step 2. Setup. (ref readme) Notice! A. Execute "Setup.bat" will pop the message 「Would you like to overwrite your changes (y/n)?」. If you choose y, it could be a mistake in the future. B. There was an error when build lighting. 「Failed to build lighting!!! Lighting build failed. Swarm failed to kick off.」Solution : Open project .sln and build "Programs/UnrealLightmass" Step 3. VR settings. Project Settings/Engine - Rendering/VR            -> Unchecked "Instanced Stereo"            -> Checked "Lens Matched Rendering"            -> Checked "SinglePassStereo" Execute Console Command            -> vr.LensMatchedShadingRendering 3 // MultiRes and Lens Matched choose one of the two. // If you use a Pascal based GPU, Lens Matched is better. Conclusion In t...

[UE4] 4.15 Bug 變更Instanced Stereo功能設定會造成開啟BP時程序崩潰

Unreal版本 : 4.15.x 發生情形: 變更Instanced Stereo功能設定時 (Project Settings/Engine - Rendering/VR) 問題狀況: 所有引擎 & 所有專案只要開啟BP則程序崩潰 解決方式: case 1 官方版本,刪除C:\User\AppData\Local\UnrealEngine\4.15資料夾 case 2 特製版本,刪除...\SpecialEngine\Engine\Saved資料夾

[UE4] 使用console command來做profiler data capture

「 You can also make stat captures of a running game without the editor being open. Run "stat startfile" in the console to start profiling and "stat stopfile" to stop. This should save a file to Saved/Profiling. Then you can open that file from the profiler tab in the session frontend. 」 原文出處: https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/17151/what-are-the-in-engine-tools-for-cpu-and-gpu-profi.html

Unreal 常見問題 (含授權協議)


Udemy 使用條款

Udemy 使用條款 https://www.udemy.com/terms/ // Udemy為一個美國線上授課/學習之平台