Step 1. Download resources. (special edition unreal engine source code) Download Step 2. Setup. (ref readme) Notice! A. Execute "Setup.bat" will pop the message 「Would you like to overwrite your changes (y/n)?」. If you choose y, it could be a mistake in the future. B. There was an error when build lighting. 「Failed to build lighting!!! Lighting build failed. Swarm failed to kick off.」Solution : Open project .sln and build "Programs/UnrealLightmass" Step 3. VR settings. Project Settings/Engine - Rendering/VR -> Unchecked "Instanced Stereo" -> Checked "Lens Matched Rendering" -> Checked "SinglePassStereo" Execute Console Command -> vr.LensMatchedShadingRendering 3 // MultiRes and Lens Matched choose one of the two. // If you use a Pascal based GPU, Lens Matched is better. Conclusion In t...